Air temp: 57F
Wind speed: 6mph
Quacker's Water Temperature Report: 50F (~10C)
You know how Han Solo says, "Never tell me the odds?"
It may have been wiser not to get a water temp before I got in. I think I may have been psyching myself out.
Nonetheless, I'm going to say right here that people who call 50F "still okay" (I'm looking at you, Loneswimmer) have a serious problem, and should be restrained for their own protection!*
So, did I get in?
I did. And I'm pretty disappointed. I couldn't do any real swim. Not really. I probably spent a total of five minutes in the water at all, did a few strokes of breast stroke, and a few of crawl before I just had to get out. My husband tells me I actually whimpered when I started the breast stroke, and he's never heard me whimper before.
So yeah, I am disappointed. The first swim of the year last year was considerably more successful.
'Course, that was in June, the air temperature was ten degrees warmer, and the estimated water temperature was about seven degrees warmer. Those seven degrees sure seem to make a big difference.
The solution to this? Well, Monday, I'm getting in again and seeing if I can stay in a little longer and force myself to swim a little further.
Alacatraz and Lake Memphremagog ain't gonna swim themselves, right?
* Note to the humor-impaired. The author of that blog is simply a better and more experienced cold water swimmer than I am.
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