I was out of the pool for a week. I was visiting family. I totally could have chosen to go to a local pool there for a swim or two, but chose not to.
From a swimming time standpoint, it sure looked like a good choice. I think I may have needed a little break.
But today just felt right while swimming. I had the thought while doing my drills. Now, drills aren't my favorite thing to do while swimming, but after my little thought a couple of weeks ago, I've been pretty diligent about doing 500 yards of drills first thing every swim practice. I know it just needs to be a thing, so I do it and I think it's paying off. Certainly getting in and starting out with the kickboard just felt good. It felt like I'd come back to my natural environment, being in the water.
I also had a thought. I have swimming goals, don't get me wrong. But I'm also looking at the big picture and long term. If I tie myself up in knots getting anxious about meeting them, I'm kinda missing the point.
The point is to have fun with this. Sure, sure, I wanna do some stuff that's hard. That's real. But I'm also waaayyyy over-training for the events I want to do over the next six months. Being well-prepared is great, and I'm all for that, but with my swimming volume, it's more like I'm training to swim a real marathon this summer, not a measly two miles.
While I've no intention of rolling back the volume, as I do have long-term goals that require it, I need to relax a bit about it.
The point of this is to have fun, for pity's sake. I concede it's a weird, masochistic definition of fun sometimes, but there's still my inner six year old that needed to be pried out of the pool with a crowbar.
I like to give that kid some indulgence in my swims.
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